1. Dallas County School Trustees–dba-DCS,Texserve
2. Harris County School Trustees–dba-HCDE,Choice Partners
All other counties in Texas quit electing County School Trustees after all their students moved to Independent School Districts.
But these two dinosaurs have refused to close.

The archaic 1930s county school property tax they still collect is called the “equalization tax.“ It was supposed to be used for the public schools in the county. Instead, they use most of it for themselves.
Why should the average Texan care?
Becasue in recent years, these two have developed a new
“Texas government business model.”
They use public funds from property taxes, fees and bonds to start-up, purchase, and/or operate business enterprises –
everything from cloud computing to charter bus services.
They aren’t limiting these business enterprises to their own counties. They are selling “services” across the US.
because both are actually leftover “county school districts”….
their 3000+ employees qualify for the Texas Teacher Retirement System.
That means the State taxpayers are responsible for providing their employees LIFETIME benefits, as if they were teachers, even when their work has nothing to do with public education – like storing records for the City of Houston or chartering buses for church trips.
If the Legislature allows these tax exempt subsidized business operations to continue, they will be sanctioning public debt to purchase private companies, and using public funds to supplement government owned businesses.
In other words, taxpayers are at war with subsidized public sector, socialistic businesses that are working to undermine our capitalist system.
If you want to join in the battle, you can contact your Texas State Representative and Senator and let them know you expect them to support a bill to close the two remaining county school boards.
If you want to join in the battle, you can contact your Texas State Representative and Senator and let them know you expect them to support a bill to close the two remaining county school boards.
You can find who represents you: here
You can view the Texas Senate Education Committee Hearing held on 8/3/16 when some of their business practices are discussed here. It was a long hearing, but very informative. (start at 4:28:57)
Colleen Vera